I’ve never been to Bonnaroo with Jam in the Van, it was before my time. But I’ve been to Bonnaroo every time that Jam in the Van has been there. It’s a fun festival. 4 years in a row I borrowed my parents suburban and drove from Boston with a car full of 8 of my friends. We would volunteer and pick up trash for three days after the festival just so I could get a free ticket. Plenty of ground scores but people would leave some nasty things behind like buckets of human feces. It was gross. Glad I don’t have pick up trash to get into festivals for free anymore.

I chose He’s My Brother She’s My Sister because they played at my college freshman year and invited enthusiastic students up on stage to sing with them. I was one of those students and for a moment I was part of He’s My Brother She’s My Sister. Pretty bummed they didn’t take me on tour with them to Bonnaroo though.

— Jack Higgins, Creative Director