From the get-go, Jam in the Van wasn’t going to be limited by genre constrictions. We didn’t see the utility in that. We’re not interested in just covering one type of music, rather we wanted to keep it ecclectic and the only limitation we put on our selection process was that the jams had to be quality. This policy has never been more poignantly valuable than on the day we teamed up with the Big Homies Project and opened the minds of a group of young people to music that they have never before been exposed to.
The Reasn was there on that day, and I think it’s safe to say that not only were the kids exposed to some new styles of music that day, but the Jam in the Van crew was as well. Never before have we had anything like this in The Van. It’s a fresh sound in more ways than one, and we’re glad we discovered it. No limits, that’s our moto, as long as the sun is shining, and people are singing, we’re going to find good music and spread it to the world.