Again, I will now proceed to sit here and preach to you the necessity of our venture. You see, this here, as I have said several times before when the situation has presented itself so clearly, this here, is the reason we did it, do it, will continue doing it.

I’d never before heard of this young axe slinger that goes by the name of Daniel Pujol, or PUJOL on your bill. Then, all of a sudden I’m in Manchester, TN sitting outside of the van on a bean bag chair, and inside the vehicle we’ve captured this young man and his sound. So that at that time I was had the pleasure of listening to some of the most interesting riffs that I had heard at all of Bonnaroo. Now, fast forward a couple of months, and, through the magic that is the Jam Van, we can now furnish you with that exact same experience.

Go on, sit outside of the Jam Van and listen to this guy play guitar. Lean back in your chair, close your eyes, picture that on a big stage. Tell me that isn’t heady.

This is why we built the van.